December 2, 2024 Is there only 1 person who can save your website?

You probably know them, those movies where one person has to save the world. That one individual who comes up with a brilliant plan and solves all the problems.
Sounds heroic, right? There have been times when I felt like such a hero too.
I was solely responsible for developing and maintaining multiple websites. Making decisions? I could do that like no other, without any consultation.
But what if you suddenly can no longer participate in your own superhero life?
Right, then the quality of those fast, shiny websites quickly declines. Maintenance stagnates and progress stops – a dangerous cocktail for the security and continuity of the website, and probably also for business operations.
After all those years in different roles, within various organizations, I have learned that an irreplaceable hero only works well in films. In real life you have to ensure continuity.
This means working together, dividing tasks and ensuring that a team of experienced specialists is ready for your website, not that one single hero.
Would you like to know how we arrange this for your website at TwelveBricks? Get in touch and we will explain everything to you.
Wilfred Waltman